

    Bill Cosby’s Double-Headed Doppelganger Dumbfounds Grass Valley Dwellers

    Hey, hey, hey! Grass Valley, CA, is a-buzz with curiosity as a peculiar Bill Cosby statue has taken up residence in the local children's playground at Condon Park. This life-sized granite creation features not one, but two of ol' Cosby's heads, squished together, keepin' an eye on the swingin' youngsters.

    Area Man Surrenders After Barricading Himself Inside Tiny Home

    A man wanted on multiple warrants surrendered peacefully nearly eight hours after barricading himself inside his tiny home Friday.

    Social Media Influencer’s Reach Limited by the Fact She Sucks

    Local social media "influencer" Becky "BeckStar" Johnson has attributed her abysmal follower count to a tech conspiracy led by Zuckerberg and Musk. Despite her Instagram feed being an endless scroll of blurry avocado toast and mundane cat videos, BeckStar is convinced she's being silenced. "They know I'm a threat," she claims, blissfully unaware that her content is about as engaging as watching paint dry.

    New California Law Requires Public Restrooms Doors to Automatically Open After Five Minutes

    In a move that could only unfold in California, the state has mandated public restrooms to automatically open doors after five minutes of use. This law, part of the Public Restroom Efficiency and Anti-Congestion Act (PREACA), aims to enhance accessibility and reduce wait times. Critics argue it's an overreach that embarrasses users and disproportionately affects the homeless. Governor Newsom hailed it as a step towards greater public convenience.

    Santa Hits Deer on Highway 49

    Local authorities are dealing with a potentially explosive situation.

    Area Woman To Film Her Harrowing Journey Across Kansas

    Today, like many other days in Ms. Ramun's recent life, found our activist out in front of the New York Hotel on Broad Street with her trusty bull horn announcing to locals and frightened tourists that she was finally going to document what she is now calling "They Called Me A Dumbass".

    Anti-Vaxxer’s Opinion Fails to Prevent Measles Outbreak

    Nevada City's Lisa Fellows doesn't care what the data and science says about vaccinations because, "that's just her opinion."

    State of Jefferson Declares War on the Great Republic of Rough and Ready

    State of Jefferson militia members are taking advantage of a mistake made by the Republic of Rough and Ready over 150 years ago.

    Self-driving Google Car Gets Stuck in Grass Valley Roundabout

    A Google self-driving car caused a traffic jam in Grass Valley over the weekend. A Google engineer decided to try out the new driver-less car in this area to, as he explains, to put it through the paces of my own hometown, where I learned to drive.

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