Cedar Ridge, CA — Janet Williams, a resident of Cedar Ridge and a professional shopper, recently updated her status on Facebook, informing her friends that she is looking forward to receiving between 6 and 10 inches of rain this week.

“A self-assured Ms. Williams said in her last Facebook status, “I know a lot of people just can’t take it anymore, but I’m bracing myself for the full brunt.” My opinion is that we could all use it. We could all use an additional seven or eight inches. There is a chance that we may receive another 8 inches or more of rain next week.”

The Sierra Nevada snowpack is getting close to 200% or more on average, and there are still a few months left in the rainy season. This year, California has been getting a lot of precipitation, which has led to a lot of snow in the Sierra Nevada. However, many people, like Janet Williams from Cedar Ridge, remember what it was like to be hungry all the time. And she is looking for more.

Ms. Williams continued, increasing her voice, “Look, I know there are some folks who are happy with what they have,” she said. “But not me. I want every single one. Please continue to give it to me until there is nothing left. People need to be reminded of what it’s like to be in a position when they do not have enough. Get it while you still have the chance.”